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// On :5/18/13

Weight Loss Success Stories about  weight loss can  fixed 
her migraines, asthma and lymphoma .

she can lose 112 KG to 78 KG

!!Lose 34 KG!!

Grech’s Tips
Seek motivation 
“I subscribe to the Women's Health Facebook page and I love the quotes and tips on there. They make me want to get up and work out.”

Know your body 
“I read Joshi’s Holistic Detox: 21 Days to a Healthier Slimmer You – For Life [by UK celebrity health guru Nish Joshi]; it taught me that my body thrives on nuts and fish but doesn’t respond well to red meat or too much gluten.”

Treat yourself to workout gear 
“I love my Brooks Addiction trainers. They help me go running and there’s no better feeling.”

Her menu in 1 day

Breakfast                1 cup natural muesli, 1/2 cup berries, 1/2 cup soy milk
Lunch                      Salad of tuna, kidney beans, beetroot, corn, mixed greens
Dinner                     Grilled herbed chicken breast, steamed broccoli, carrots, corn 
Snacks                   1/2 cup pumpkin and sunflower seeds, almonds, raisins, glass of soy milk

Starting weight: 112 KG Now: 78 KG

      A Contiki trip to New Zealand in January 2011 changed Grech’s life. The group she was holidaying with were due to go skydiving but because her weight was above the 100kg limit, she wasn’t allowed to go.
“I made up a lame excuse about having skydived before, but inside I was so embarrassed. That’s when I stood back and thought, ‘How has this happened?’”

Grech says she’d always had a solid build, but during her five years at uni, she put in 12-hour days and worked two part-time jobs, leaving little time to exercise.

“I knew I was gaining weight – my size-16 clothes were stretched and I’d try on so many outfits and none looked good. Looking back, I was quite depressed and constantly tired and sick.”

Grech’s childhood asthma returned and she suffered lymphoedema (blockage of the lymph vessels, which leads to swelling) and neurological migraines, which landed her in hospital. “The doctors couldn’t find a cause but I’d be bedridden and nauseous for weeks.”

The lifestyle

     Starting a job in the health industry in 2011 as an osteopath, Grech noticed her colleagues treated their bodies differently.
“These people were swimming and running and doing triathlons and I realised I couldn’t do any of that. I needed to be promoting a healthy lifestyle to my clients too.”

Grech grilled her co-workers about their eating and exercising habits and they encouraged her to get healthy. She started with 45-minute walks, then realised her body wanted to move more, so she joined a gym. She swapped soft drink and cordial for water and began eating breakfast every day.

Once she was fuelling her body properly it began to work like a well-oiled machine. When a client recommended a book about eating for your body type she was hooked.

“It made sense. I stuck to foods that made me feel good after eating them.”

The weight loss reward

     The biggest change came two weeks in when Grech noticed she wasn’t as tired anymore. This gave her extra energy to work out, so her gym visits stepped up and a couple of months later she realised her health was less of a concern.
“There was a point when my foot was so swollen from lymphoedema that I had to wear thongs all the time. I noticed it decreasing straight away and after exercising for six months it wasn’t there at all.”

Today she no longer has to use an asthma puffer, and she can’t remember the last time she had a migraine.

“I didn’t realise I was suffocating my body... it was screaming for help by giving me my health issues. Now I love feeding my body healthy foods as it responds so well. Today if my body needs to move or it needs a rest day, I listen.”

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