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// On :5/17/13

           Weight Loss Success Stories of 25 year old mum of two went from 

 76 KG. to 58 KG. 

and fixed her Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

                           “Weight loss means my cycle is regular for the first time.”

Tips For Weight Loss By Kulundzic
Drink green tea 
“I make a cup whenever I feel anxious or tired. The warm feeling instantly makes me feel better.”

Practise relaxation
 “Find a way to get in touch with how your body feels. I practise Reiki [Japanese energy healing] on myself twice a week for an hour.”

Hit reset
“Learning not to punish myself was a big thing. If I have a piece of cake today, I’ll just eat healthy tomorrow. As long as you keep trying, you’re making progress.”

Her Menu In 1 Day

Breakfast   :      1/2 cup cooked amaranth with 1 tbs  honey
Lunch         :       Big garden salad with grilled tuna 
Dinner        :        Pea and lentil salad with grilled steak and mixed vegies
Snacks       :       Tea and biscuit, banana, boiled egg


While Kulundzic credits acupuncture for helping her fall pregnant the first time round, it wasn’t until she started trying for her second baby two years ago that things changed.
“After a year it became clear my body was not going to be able to conceive naturally; I needed some help.”

She visited a Chinese medicine specialist who put her on a “clean” lifestyle plan, cutting out preservatives in food and skincare products.

To clean up her diet she added more greens and salads. Then she cut back on dairy, alcohol, soft drinks and sugar-heavy carbs, made sure all her carbs came from vegies and cooked her meals from scratch.

The change of Kulundzic’s

It wasn’t until she was hit in the stomach with a soccer ball as a 16-year-old at school that Gena Kulundzic realised her body was out of whack.
While an ultrasound declared her sports injury harmless, doctors discovered cysts on her ovaries and after months of tests, she was diagnosed with PCOS. In hindsight, the clues were there.
“I hadn’t had a regular period in my life.”
What followed was three years of trialling a bunch of hormone therapies in an attempt to control her symptoms.
“Every type of contraceptive was thrown at me – different pills, injections, implants.”
Instead of balancing her hormones, Kulundzic’s body responded by reacting with different side effects to each new medication – like acne, thinning hair and weight gain.
“I gained seven kilos in the first three months and it kept creeping up. My moods were terrible, I craved carbs and stayed inside because I wasn’t happy with how I looked and had no energy.”
The weight loss reward

Improvements in her health began straight away. 
“I came off all my medication and within three months I’d lost 9kg. My skin improved from using chemical-free products, and because I stuck strictly to certain foods.”
Kulundzic fell pregnant within just a few months, and felt so good that she continued her eating plan during pregnancy and beyond. After her daughter was born she lost an extra 10kg.
“Of course I cheat occasionally, desserts are my weakness, but, although PCOS can’t be cured, I’m no longer at the mercy of it. My cycle is regular for the first time and I have so much more energy. I’ve started Muay Thai and mixed martial arts (MMA). I feel so much more connected to my body; my hair is even starting to recover and thicken. Being truly healthy inside is reflected on the outside.”

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