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Weight Loss Success Stories About Lots of little changes were the key to this former junk-food lover’s 22kg loss.

she can lose 78 KG to 56 KG

!!Lose 22 KG!!

Weight Loss Success Stories about  weight loss can  fixed 
her migraines, asthma and lymphoma .

she can lose 112 KG to 78 KG

!!Lose 34 KG!!

Grech’s Tips
Seek motivation 
“I subscribe to the Women's Health Facebook page and I love the quotes and tips on there. They make me want to get up and work out.”

Know your body 
“I read Joshi’s Holistic Detox: 21 Days to a Healthier Slimmer You – For Life [by UK celebrity health guru Nish Joshi]; it taught me that my body thrives on nuts and fish but doesn’t respond well to red meat or too much gluten.”

Treat yourself to workout gear 
“I love my Brooks Addiction trainers. They help me go running and there’s no better feeling.”

Her menu in 1 day

Breakfast                1 cup natural muesli, 1/2 cup berries, 1/2 cup soy milk
Lunch                      Salad of tuna, kidney beans, beetroot, corn, mixed greens
Dinner                     Grilled herbed chicken breast, steamed broccoli, carrots, corn 
Snacks                   1/2 cup pumpkin and sunflower seeds, almonds, raisins, glass of soy milk

           Weight Loss Success Stories of 25 year old mum of two went from 

 76 KG. to 58 KG. 

and fixed her Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

                           “Weight loss means my cycle is regular for the first time.”

Tips For Weight Loss By Kulundzic
Drink green tea 
“I make a cup whenever I feel anxious or tired. The warm feeling instantly makes me feel better.”

Practise relaxation
 “Find a way to get in touch with how your body feels. I practise Reiki [Japanese energy healing] on myself twice a week for an hour.”

Hit reset
“Learning not to punish myself was a big thing. If I have a piece of cake today, I’ll just eat healthy tomorrow. As long as you keep trying, you’re making progress.”

Her Menu In 1 Day

Breakfast   :      1/2 cup cooked amaranth with 1 tbs  honey
Lunch         :       Big garden salad with grilled tuna 
Dinner        :        Pea and lentil salad with grilled steak and mixed vegies
Snacks       :       Tea and biscuit, banana, boiled egg

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